Community Services

Community Services

Community Services offered include:

Community Services under development include Community Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) Processes and Community Resilience Building Projects/Toolkits

Community Related Business Continuity Planning:

We can provide support on resilience building, business continuity and crisis management to Parish Councils, Local Authorities, NGO’s, charitable and not-for-profit organisations or direct to communities.

Community related’ organisations are every much as vulnerable to crisis and disaster as commercial organisations, and in many cases more so due to limited access to key resources and/or the nature of essential services provided by them to vulnerable clients.

Working with you, we are able to offer support and advice on all aspects of business continuity management systems and planning that is appropriate to the requirements of your community or organisation in seeking to enhance its resilience.

Community Emergency/Action/Contingency Planning:

With a wealth of emergency service related planning experience, we can advise, assist and work with you in the development and preparation of Community Contingency/Emergency plans.

Community Crisis/Disaster Management:

With a focus on prevention, preparation and the early identification and response to potential incidents, we can assist your community to respond effectively to a crisis and thereby seek to reduce its impact on the locality and its residents. Where appropriate, we may be able to advise and assist the community’s engagement with local government, the emergency services and other key agencies involved in preparing for and managing any crisis or disaster.

Community/NGO/Charitable Organisation Training:

Working with your community, we can prepare and deliver tailored training packages to meet the needs of the various elements of the community in preparing for or responding to a crisis or emergency.

Community Exercising (design and delivery) and plan testing/validation:

We are able to design and deliver bespoke exercises to effectively prepare community emergency teams and partner agencies and validate community emergency plans and processes. Exercise types include: discussion based/paper-feed exercises; Table top exercises; command post exercises and live exercises, ranging from a small scale rehearsal of single component of a planned response to a full scale rehearsal involving the whole organisation. We have access to a range of incident management software products that can be used during the course of delivering an exercise.

In testing plans, we will seek to test critical elements of plans to gauge their effectiveness. These tend to be more aimed at the testing of equipment, procedures and technology as opposed to individuals.

Community Structured De-briefing/Post Incident Reviews

With organisational learning a key element to effective risk management, our structured de-briefs are designed to maximise the opportunity for community organisations to ensure that lessons are identified as a result of actual incidents, near misses and exercises. Our debrief and review processes are intended to identify and draw out the deep seated (and often hidden) ‘latent errors’ in addition to the usually more obvious ‘active errors’.

Organisational Learning:

Following the submission of the De-Brief/Post Incident Report, we can, if required work with you/your organisation to assist in the organisational learning process i.e. helping to transition the ‘lessons identified’ into ‘lessons learnt’.